Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Walk in the Woods

I am in Holland again for
the Authentic Leadership in Action conference.

One afternoon, after so much talking,
I need to clear my mind and feel the "more-than-human" world.

I step outside and walk into the woods . . .

But this path goes on and on. 
There is no right turn path to take me back.

Suddenly right to my side, standing in the dark woods,
I see a small herd - eight of them - all different sizes, bristled, tusked. 
I stop. They stop. We watch each other. 
After a long moment they all trot away. 
I think, "Ah - this is why I came out here. It's all worth it now! "

I ask him where the conference center is. 
He doesn't know, but tells me if I keep going I'll get to the village of Ellspeet. 
I've been walking for an hour and a half. 
I find my way to the village, comforted by the presence of houses. 
I turn down the paved road. Four teenagers on bicycles pass by and assure me
the center is two kilometers ahead. 
I begin to calm down . . . 

I step into the building. It is buzzing with activity. 
I appreciate each person in a whole new way. 


  1. I really enjoyed going on this adventure with you. Thanks for taking me along.

  2. What an adventure bb! Thanks for "waking me up" by taking me on your walk so far away. I was feeling lazy and low and now feel refreshed and revitalized! I LOVE your blogs!!

  3. Wonderful, Barbara. The drawings are perfect supported by the narrative. Completely "draws" me in!



  4. Brilliant! I love the way you write about your life....

  5. The drawings did not come through the email I received, but I saw the boar even though your text does not name them. You led yourself away from your leadership conference, found clarity with the boar, and led yourself back.

  6. Exploring true nature guarantees some risk, it seems. From where would the growth emerge, if each walk led you only into confirmed, comfortable territory?

    A very nice report.
    Steve Woodall

  7. :) thank you for sharing this story. I love the format. Looking forward to seeing more.

  8. Wonderful illustration of your experience, simple yet moving.

  9. i feel rushed right now but not so much thataI could not enjoy your adventure. It was fun and may slow me down.
