Wednesday, February 6, 2013

An Afternoon at the Rubin Museum

I wander through an exhibit of exquisitely tiny sculptures -
Casting the Divine : The Nyingjei Lam Collection -
and settle first on a figure from Tibet, 16th century -
Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, an early teacher of the Sakya School.
Three inches high . . .

Then turn towards the Enthroned Vajrasattva -
Purifier of Karma, Bringer of Peace - Tibet, 14th century.
Minute and so complex, encircled with creatures -
Garuda lording over the top, beast guardians, snakes
and little humans holding on to the sides . . .

Now I gaze on the two tiny Chitipati figures - Tibet 14th century.
Lords of the charnel ground - grinning and dancing - heads cocked,
holding those skullcups . . .

Ending with Green Tara, 11th century NE India.
The Female Buddha of Enlightend Activity.
I draw slower now, feeling my way into her small and gorgeous shapes,
held in an intimate way . . .