Wednesday, February 6, 2013

An Afternoon at the Rubin Museum

I wander through an exhibit of exquisitely tiny sculptures -
Casting the Divine : The Nyingjei Lam Collection -
and settle first on a figure from Tibet, 16th century -
Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, an early teacher of the Sakya School.
Three inches high . . .

Then turn towards the Enthroned Vajrasattva -
Purifier of Karma, Bringer of Peace - Tibet, 14th century.
Minute and so complex, encircled with creatures -
Garuda lording over the top, beast guardians, snakes
and little humans holding on to the sides . . .

Now I gaze on the two tiny Chitipati figures - Tibet 14th century.
Lords of the charnel ground - grinning and dancing - heads cocked,
holding those skullcups . . .

Ending with Green Tara, 11th century NE India.
The Female Buddha of Enlightend Activity.
I draw slower now, feeling my way into her small and gorgeous shapes,
held in an intimate way . . .


  1. Nothing like a museum full of life and stories in midwinter. Of course, you probably brought at least some of the stories with you. Where is the Rubin Museum?

  2. 150 W. 17th New York City. It is a real jewel of a place - dedicated to Himalayan Art - with a wonderful cafe gathering place spirit as well - go there !

  3. Nice information. Visit Nepal to get more information about Nepal and its beauty.
