Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Free Writing

I was recently asked to create some calligraphies of buddhist slogans
to be auctioned off at a fundraiser during the annual Family Camp
at Karme Choling, a retreat center in Vermont.

I happily agreed because it gave me a way to contribute and support
this good gathering and place.

Years ago, living in Boulder, Colorado, I did a lot of calligraphic commissions,
writing out wide ranging quotes for clients.
My creative work since then had shifted to a more personal voice
and big abstract brushstroke expression.

Over two days I free associated with these words,
letting the alphabetic forms and brushstrokes dance together.
I felt happy catching this fresh life, bringing together brightness, color, form, expression.

Memories arose from my years being a "Calligrapher to the Court"
during the alive time of Chogyam Trungpa's presence in America.
I touched again the deep role of "calligrapher as channel",
bringing vision into form - and the well being inherent in the task.

I also wondered - where is my Court now ?

Then I realized - it's the world. 

Here they are - offered out - enjoy . . .