Thursday, July 25, 2024

Painting - Playing - Moving

I traveled to Halifax, Nova Scotia recently to jump into the Creative Music Workshop world. I offered my brush, drawing & listening practices to the students and joined the faculty concert to paint while these wonderful artists played and danced around me. 

Here are some images from the big visual that emerged.

I began by drawing a long horizontal brush line and then began to move to the music with bending reaching overlapping grass lines. 

 Touching the spaces with small strokes and tentrils of marks - 

The marks became wilder, wackier as the music grew more complex. 

landscapes began to take shape . . .

the grasses became layered, deeper, with eyes peering out.

Two dancers moved near me, responding to the forms I was making and I drew their relational bodies within the network of lines. 

 Their hands were reaching , gesturing - 

The left side of the painting was a confusing collection of marks until a saxophone solo guided me to create a spine which aligned and resolved things. Zoom in . . .

On the right the grasses were surrounded and penetrated by life . .

 And the whole painting at the end - 16 feet long - a record of aliveness.


  1. Wonderful! Thank you.

  2. Very cool. Barbara. I love how you showed bits and pieces before revealing the whole.

  3. Honored to have inspired the spine in this piece ❤️

    1. Was that "spine" solo recorded ? Would love to include it in the post !

  4. Fantastic! Love the progression and especially the “spine!”

  5. I always open an email that says "New Post from True Nature" with anticipation and lightness, knowing I will be treated to creative flowing lines and comments that challenge our view of the world in a creative way. Thank you for sharing your impressions and responses to your experiences, bringing needed freshness and light to my day.

  6. I love these images…I wanted to say the first two were my favorites, but then it became the first five and kept going from there. Lovely, bb!

  7. Beautiful! It’s nice to see your work again!

  8. Thank you for taking us on this journey of lines, colors, music, dance and words. I felt as if I was moving with you. And yes...from a previous comment, gee, it would be the cherry on top, to hear the sounds that inspired the spine!

  9. thank you to all - anonymous or not - your responses enrich me !

  10. It is so beautiful to see and read your recollection of this beautiful performance! I am still beaming with inspired gratitude for being a part of this creative week!

  11. I love the invitational qualities of your marks. It’s as if they’re saying come along for the ride. It is such a joy to follow along as you sway, meander, respond and reveal.
